
2 Unbeatable Tips To Create A Perfect Digital Content Strategy For 2021!

Bus travels always give me a great joy, with the only exception being a scenario when I haven’t got the window seat, and have forgot my earphones at home, and last week, thanks to my carelessness of not carrying my earplugs, I had to face the above-mentioned unfortunate situation. However, my boredom came to an abrupt halt when my ears caught the conversation of two individuals sitting right in front of me. In a nutshell, the first person was voicing his concern over categorizing the respective business objectives via creative contents, and how to come up with an effective marketing strategy to promote the contents to a greater web presence and attain an expansion in attracting a greater number of interested clients. And on his right, the second person was calming him while explaining the key to all his problems – a solid digital content strategy!

I believe most of us, especially in the recent years, have been in shoes of the first person with his concerns, however, we have lacked the support and presence of an unfailing digital content strategy. Which is why, with my undivided attention, I eavesdropped and took a note about the two surefire tips to create a perfect content strategy for 2021, which are mentioned below:

Know the crowd that you wish to attract

Oftentimes, one of the major reasons a marketing strategy fails to grab the eyes of interested investors and clients is because the strategy was not created for a fixed target audience, in the first place. In order to understand the requirements of the buyers, and tailoring the content and presentation according to it, is an absolute must to attract the type of audience suitable for the content. The below tips come in handy to make both the content creator and target audience collaborate for a long-lasting partnership:

  • Try to make the content in an interactive manner i.e. keep the reader engaged by a variety of interactive queries (e.g.: Don’t you think the idea would cater to all the mentioned requirements?
  • Write the content in a concise, to-the-point manner, with a creative intro that the reader can relate with, stirring up their emotions and generating a connection with the content.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO): A gamechanger in the world of content marketing!

To talk about making an effective digital content strategy without mentioning SEO is like making an omelette without an egg. Finding the appropriate keywords that are sought after by the target audience and a proper adjustment in the frequency of usage of the keywords surely gets the content to the top of the search results. Below mentioned are some common tips when kept in mind, can make sure that the first thing the clients’ eyes fall into, is your perfectly crafted content:

  • It is advisable to not to make over-complicated words as keywords. The greater the chances that the keyword is uncommon, lesser are the chances of the content coming up in the search.
  • It is not a good idea to saturate the content by an abundance of keywords; it might have the reverse effect, making the readers think that their attention is being forcefully drawn to the keywords, and might make the content predictable and uninteresting.

I was so engaged while listening to the conversation between the two people sitting in front of me, that I had nearly missed my stop. And though the bus went away as I stepped out; the above tips and valuable lessons I had learnt on digital content strategy shall remain with me as a priceless lesson, because these steps, if followed properly, shall definitely take content marketing to new levels beyond our imaginations.



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